Murrieta's Economic Development Strategic Plan seeks to broaden the City's business focus and emphasize efforts that achieve their Triple Bottom Line (business attraction, retention, and expansion). Murrieta also has a biomedical incubator for entrepreneurs and is always looking for innovative startups to join and grow in the City. It is also conveniently located in the heart of a 24-million person megaregion that contains the greatest concentration of bioscience companies in the United States. Murrieta was also ranked the #1 City to live in Southwest Riverside County by the Press Enterprise.
A City with a strong sense of community, business friendly atmosphere, and a focus on growing the economy.
PopulationThe City of Murrieta has a highly educated population of 117,683 residents. Within the population, 67.3% of the population has some college education or higher and 16% of Murrieta's workforce works in the healthcare sector. As of March 2021, Murrieta saw a population growth of 5.14% in a span of five years.
LocationIts convenient location at the center of Southern California's market, places Murrieta at a proximity to over 24 million people as well as proximity to San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange County. It has established itself as one of the fastest growing regions in California.
Features of the the City
IndustryHealthcare, retail trade, and educational services are among the largest industries in the City of Murrieta. The City is also growing as a super regional hub for bioscience industrial development and healthcare services.
Available LandMurrieta is ready to support 182,000 Sq. Ft. of space in biomedical sciences immediately with a total space absorption of 400,00 Sq. Ft. over the next 10 years.
CommunityA strong sense of community and safety characterize Murrieta when considering relocation. Murrieta has affordable home and land prices and a wide range of housing options available and is consistently ranked one of the best cities to raise a family in California.